
Roasted Vegetables

On the way home from work after a stressful conference room meeting, I decided to take the long way home to clear my head. I stopped at a supermarket that I rarely visit to check out their produce department. I decided to buy a few vegetables for roasting.

  • 1 large white potato
  • 1 large red potato
  • 1 small eggplant
  • 1 large yellow bell pepper

When I got home, I set the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (our house sits at 4500 ft elevation, if that matters), washed the veggies, peeled the potatoes, cut them into 1/2 inch chunks, peeled the eggplant, sliced it into 1/2 inch rounds, sliced half of the bell pepper into 1/2 sliced, then cut the lengths in half.

I then placed all the cut vegetables into a large ceremic bowl, added two tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of salt, two pinches of pepper, a teaspoon of ground dried basil, and a teaspoon of ground dried rosemary.  I then tossed everything until the vegetables were evenly coated.

I placed the mixture onto a large baking sheet in a single layer moving the pieces around so that each had room to roast. Into the oven they went on the middle shelf for 45 mintues, checking to make sure the eggplant and the potatoes were thoroughly cooked.

Out they came piping hot, served with a simple thick slice of head lettuce topped with blue cheese dressing. 

Such a delicious meal completely erased the work-day stress.




  • Posted by dp

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