Ask Greta

  • Greta and Pat
    AskAsk GretaGreta
    • Greta and her wonderful mother, Pat, in front of Top Banana. (Circa, early 1980s)

    Introducing Greta!

    Having grown up in Alhambra, California, working in her father's produce market and then assuming responsibility as President and General Manager of the family owned business, Greta has worked in the produce business for almost fifty years. During that time, she has gained a valuable and in-depth wealth of knowledge concerning the wide wide world of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    In this section of the Top Banana Produce Website, you can read short, sometimes whimsical answers to the questions visitors have asked.

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    Since this most recent E. Coli scare, I've started to wonder: How is it that "washing" your lettuce does anything to prevent disease? I can see how it would remove sand and dirt, but how does just plain water do away with bacteria?

    Greta Answers:

    Yay, William, your common sense prevails! A rinse of plain water does wash away a bit of bacteria but not near enough to be considered clean. E.coli and other dangerous bacterias form a "biofilm" which attaches to fruit and veggies. The only way to kill 100% of the bacteria is by irradiation or by cooking. One can remove 98% of the bacteria with a simple homemade rinse. The E.coli strain that has been found in the current news is so dangerous that the Yuma romaine should be discarded. No exception!

    There are a number of effective rinses that can be made easily. Put 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Just spray then rinse.

    To clean leafy greens submerge the greens into 3 parts water, 1 part distilled white vinegar and 1-2 tablespoons salt. This will remove 98% of the bacteria.

    The skin of some fruits and veggies may need an extra scrubbing to get rid of the pesky bacteria!

    • Posted Saturday, April 21, 2018 | Question by William
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  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    Hi Greta. I've heard that when you buy fresh asparagus you're supposed to snap each one in two. Why? Why don't the grocery clerks just cut them in half before they wrap them in rubber bands? And what can you do with the fat ends?

    Greta Answers:

    Hi Ennad

    The reasonthat we are told to snap the asparagus in two is to determine which part of stalk is tender or tough.

    There are three reasons that produce clerks do not cut off the bottoms before customer purchase. First, it would take extra time to do this and there is never extra time in the day. Second, the price of the asparagus could double because the retailer would have only half the yield at the same cost. Third, and the most important reason, is that the bottom part IS edible and is used by many people.

    Ennad, you can dice the asparagus bottoms and use in any recipe that calls for asparagus. Trendy chefs are currently using the entire stalk in many of their creations. stop throwing away the bottoms and experiment!

    • Posted Saturday, April 21, 2018 | Question by Ennad Klop
    •   Garden  | Spring 

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    What is the easiest way to cut pineapple?

    Greta Answers:

    This sounds more difficult than it is and remember it becomes easier the more often that you do it!

    To prepare a pineapple cut off the top and the bottom so it sits flat on the counter. Cut the thick skin with a boning knife because it follows the shape of the fruit. Use a potato peeler or small knife to remove the "eyes". At this point just cut the pineapple into wedges but remember to remove the tough core with a sharp knife. Enjoy!!

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    I've heard that some supermarkets use special lights in the produce section to make the produce look more fresh and luscious, to make tomatoes look more ripe, etc. Is this true?

    Greta Answers:

    You are very perceptive Bob. Yes, many markets use special lighting in their produce dept to bring out the reds in the tomatoes and bring out soft colors of the produce. I find fruits and veggies are most beautiful when outdoors in the bright sunshine.

    • Posted Saturday, April 21, 2018 | Question by Bob
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  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    Is it considered rude for customers to test fruit in a produce market? For example, to eat a strawberry or grape before deciding to make a purchase?

    Greta Answers:

    William, I appreciate your concern for the etiquette of the produce dept. We all know that if we take something without paying it is considered stealing! But the produce needs to be tested to know if it is sweet so therefore it is always okay to taste "A" grape or "A" cherry etc. If you want to try a peach or a large fruit just ask the employee to cut a slice for you. They are in the business to sell and therefore they should be happy to share their fruits with you. Of course it is rude to take advantage and walk around the store eating handfuls of grapes or cherries but I suspect you are not that kind of person!

    • Posted Saturday, April 21, 2018 | Question by William
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  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    How do you choose a watermelon and when is the best time of year to buy them?

    Greta Answers:

    Watermelons are best in the summer months and can be very good in late spring or early fall depending on the harvest.

    Choose a watermelon with a yellow spot , not a white or pale green patch. The yellow spot is from where the melon sat on the ground. Also pick one that has a dried stem and a waxy skin , not a shiny skin.

    It is impossible to know the actual sugar content and growing conditions of the watermelons but it is possible to choose a Ripe and juicy melon. this is done with a "thump". Hold melon in one hand and tap or thump it with other hand. A ripe melon will sound like a clear , low and hollow ring. If it has a high pitch sound then the melon is not ripe. If the watermelon is overripe it will have a dull dead sound like a thump against your stomach.

    Try this "thump" method on a few melons until you get the hang of it. This method is quite easy, all of the employees of Top Banana mastered this in a short time. Oh, and this only works on watermelons, not the other melons.

    • Posted Saturday, April 21, 2018 | Question by Jennifer
    •   Vine  | Summer 

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    What is the best way to cook corn?

    Greta Answers:

    When I was young the common saying was "Get the water boiling on the stove and then go pick the corn out back". The reason being that the sugar content of the corn begins turning to starch as soon as it is plucked from the stalk. Of course most of us dont have corn growing in the backyard but many folks still boil water then put the corn in from 2 or 3 mins to 10 mins depending how they prefer it.

    Nowadays corn can be cooked not only on the stovetop but grilled on the bar-b-que (my favorite) or even in the microwave. My sister likes to get the husk wet, so corn stays moist, then wrap in paper towels. Put in microwave for 3 or 4 mins depending on your taste then with a sharp knife cut about 1/2 inch up from stalk end off.. .if you hold tightly onto other end the ear of corn will slip out minus he silk and husk! Voila! Easy!

    Corn is best when fresh and local so Spring and Summer is the best timecool


  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    Why do beets taste like dirt?

    Greta Answers:

    Many people believe beets taste like dirt because they are grown in dirt but there are many other veggies and tubers that grow in dirt but dont have that strong earthy flavor.

    Prof Irwin Goldman from the Univ of Wisconsin (Yay! Go Badgers!!) has determined the flavor is due to "geosmin" which is an organic compound produced as a result of microbes in the soil.

    Now that you know what causes that taste of dirt, I hope you can find ways to prepare beets that are tasty to you. Beets are high in Vitamins A, B, C, beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium and iron. Personally I love beets and I hope you can join our group of beet lovers!

    • Posted Thursday, April 12, 2018 | Question by Bob
    •   Root  | Winter 

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    Are the green tops of leeks edible?

    Greta Answers:

    Leeks, white parts and greens, are not that fun to eat raw, although the greens are great to use for making soup stock, and the whites, considered the most important part of this particular type of onion, can be  prepared and cooked to help create a variety of delectable dishes.

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    Should I keep fresh tomatoes in the refridgerator?

    Greta Answers:

    Tomatoes should be kept at room temperature.

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    When is the best time to find the sweetest and juciest oranges?

    Greta Answers:

    Although oranges can be found in markets year round, the winter months are the best for sweet and juicy oranges.

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    Can the leaves of the common California Bay Leaf tree be used in cooking?

    Greta Answers:

    With different common names, the California Bay Laurel and Oregon Myrtle are the same tree, a single species of the genus Umbellularia. The leaf is wonderful in cooking but chefs will sometimes tell you that the California bay leaf  has a stronger pepper flavor than the bay leaf you buy in stores.  Try them for yourself. Harvest a small branch, wash, then dry the leaves on their stems by hanging upside down in a cool, dark, dry space. After they have dried, store in an air-tight jar. 

    • Posted Monday, March 12, 2018 | Question by Dan
    •   | Year-Long 

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    How can I tell if cantalopes are ripe?

    Greta Answers:

    Press the vine end of the melon. If it slightly gives, and if it smells sweet, it's ready to eat.

  • AskAsk GretaGreta


    My mangos are green, but smell sweet. Are they ready to eat?

    Greta Answers:

    The skin color of a mango doesn't indicate whether or not it is ripe. If you press on it and it gives slightly, and if it smells sweet, then it's probably ready to eat. 

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