Preserving Your Own Produce

Canning, Dehydrating, Preserving

Harvest time is usually thought of as the time to plan for the winter's dormant garden by canning, dehydrating, and freezing the garden's bounty. But, preserving food can be a year-long endeavor, one that is economical, fun, and satisfying.

Ways of Preserving:
  • Canning - The traditional way of preserving food that our grandmothers taught their kids.
  • Sun Drying  - Sun drying, especially in the drier climates of California, Nevada and other desert states, is a great way to preserve certain foods without having to use electricity. All you need is a sunny space, a screen, and a way to keep pets and kids from robbing the loot.
  • Dehydrating - There are many great electricity powered dehydrators that will do the job in quick time.
  • Freezing - Modern freezers set at -10 will preserve food for longer than the ice blooks of yesteryear.
  • Cold Storge - Just like wine cellers, for some the root celler is making a comback.
  • Liquors & Elixors - Preserving foods using various delicious liquors, such as cherries in cognac for your next Cherries Jubilee.
Last Update: Friday, March 16, 2018


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