

When asked, a horticulturalist once said, "I'm a horticulturalist because I'm deeply fascinated, even in love, with plants." Perhaps this speaks to the heart of horticulture... In this section we offer articles about how current events like dessertification, environmental degradation, climate change, but also restoration, protection, etc. impact the quality and production of plants that feed human populations.

Our Emphasis:
  •   Floriculture - The cultivation and production of flowers for food.
  •   Olericulture - Cultivar selection and development for producing vegetable crops by seed and transplants.
  •    Pomology - The cultivation and production of fruit crops.
  •    Viticulture - The science, lore, and study of grapes and vineyards.
  •    Viniculture - The love of wine and wine making.
Last Update: Tuesday, March 27, 2018

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