
Making Fruit & Vegetable Juice Without Electricity

Some Patience Required

Sometimes you just don't have access to electricity, like when the storms roll in and knock out the power pole down the street, or when camping. And then you find yourself wanting some carrot juice because you happen to have a big bag of carrots handy and nothing else to do with your time.

This is what happened. We were without power and we had a large bag of carrots. So, we devised a way to get some delicious carrot juice without an  electric juicer. Actually, the end result was more like a carrot smoothie, but it was delicious and worth the time and effort.

Luckily, we had a gas powered camping stove, so we fired it up and boiled about three pounds of fresh carrots. We cooked them until soft enough to mash. Taking turns, we used a smooth, round river rock to smush the soft carrots into a nice thick pulp. Then we strained the carrot pulp through a small fine wire-mesh strainer that we had along for making loose leaf tea. The result was not exactly juice. So, we added some filtered spring water until our concoction was the consistancy of a smoothie.


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