
Birds Love Fruit
| Seasonal | Spring Winter |

Birds Love Fruit

This trick works if the squirrels don't get there first.

The National Audubon Society has some great advice about feeding and otherwise caring for the wild song birds that share the world with us. Recently, there was a post on their Facebook page about how to offer fruit to birds as a treat, and to do so in such a way that you get to watch the birds fairly close up.

The short video, was introduced as "A Perfect Activity for Spring," and suggests that you make an instant bird feeder out of an orange. All you do is  slice the orange in half, then attach the open halves to a nearby tree branch simply by spiking them "firmly onto the branch." Very easy, and very satisfying for the birds. Plus, satisfying for you, too, if you enjoy birdwatching.

Apples work well for this as well and you don't have to do anything to the apple. Just attach the whole apple to a branch. The birds will love you for the late winter, early spring treat.

Of course, if you live with ground squirrels nearby, they might get there first.


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