
23 Degrees and 27 Minutes

23 Degrees and 27 Minutes

The Winter Sun

The reason we get seasonal weather is due to the fact that the earth rotates just slightly off its axis -- 23 degrees and 27 minutes off the perpendicular to the plane of orbit -- and because the earth rotates around the sun, the winter solstice brings us the shortest daylight of the year where the sun has its lowest arch in the sky. Immediately the days begin to get longer and every day brings us closer to the beloved Spring. Every moment of the earth's journey around the sun is sacred. But the axis moments make us think of where we are and where we are headed. Such moments are like the entire landscape caught reflected in a drop of morning dew, where the glistening world freezes just outside the window. We see the light and color of stars and berries and ice where the winter is suddenly so beautiful and the great contrast between the cold outside and the warmth inside makes life seem wonderful. We bring the tree indoors, throwing lights and shiny ornaments across its boughs. We see the winter and speak it to each other through such rituals. All good days and nights are meant by this.

  • Posted by Anonymous

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