
Cara Cara Are Sweet in January!

Cara Cara Are Sweet in January!

It's January: Cara Cara Oranges Are Delicious!

According to Wikipedia, "The Cara cara navel, or red-fleshed navel orange is an early-to-midseason navel orange believed to have developed as a cross between the Washington navel and the Brazilian Bahia navel."

This orange is perfect for eating and for jucing. 

Widipedia goes on:  "Discovered at the Hacienda La Cara Cara in Valencia, Venezuela in 1976, the parentage is apparently uncertain enough to occasionally warrant the distinction of a mutation, with only the tree on which it was found—the Washington navel—being an accepted progenitor. Cara caras did not enter the U.S consumer produce market until the late 1980s and were carried only by specialty markets for many years thereafter."

This week at Whole Foods, they had samples, and since we've been back to buy them twice.

Give them a try.

  • Posted by Danne

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