


Specific Features:
  •   Tree Fruit
  •   Edible Raw: Undetermined

  Important Seasons: Unspecified

Related Websites

  • UC Davis Olive Center

    The UC Davis Olive Center Mission Statement:

    The UC Davis Olive Center is a self-funded university/industry coalition that seeks to do for olives what UC Davis did for wine.

    The world-renowned center brings together nearly 60 UC faculty members, research specialists and farm advisors who address the research and education needs of California olive growers and processors. The center also collaborates with institutions worldwide.

    The center’s co-chairs are Dr. Louise Ferguson, Extension Specialist in the Department of Plant Sciences and Dr. John Newman, Research Chemist at the USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center and Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Nutrition.

    Visit the Web Site
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